Thursday, September 06, 2018

The Last Least Past Path

Ralph tossed the roast towel off and sloughed the rough toast, kissed the fast plaster post and the glass master coaster, mashed flashy, fishy four-poster toaster tasters' gaskets in the basket. "You're wasted worsted vested oysters, pestered blisters, and crested twisted threshers, crushed and pressed in slashed washed patches of blanched pits."

Quickly, Stapely whisked the sticky licorice swizzle sticks, picking lists and pesky disks amidst risky pickled dishes.

A skewered annuity and a prudent stewed suety cruet of humus ruined two blue ewes in suede shoed and shaved glued shades. Whose raisin rosin raised racist reasons? Racine.

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