Friday, August 16, 2019

Climate Consciousness

2012-10-26 23:25:56-0400
The point will probably be missed by a lot of people, but a really big, bad storm plowing through a highly populated area -- probably causing a few days of infrastructure disruption -- can be seen as a portent of how the contentious issues brought up in the presidential debates, while important in their contexts, are very much less important than dealing with the ongoing world wide environmental crises of climate change, soil depletion, ocean death, overpopulation, and side effects of a carbon craving economy. 

    Our equilibrium is about to be punctuated. These crises will remove a great deal of life from the earth, and rapidly change environmental and geographical conditions, and the adjustment to that situation will be gruesomely challenging. There needs to be a political consciousness raising that realizes this situation and allocates the resources needed to survive even the first generations of this radical ecosystem change, and coordinate these efforts internationally, breaking laws the way a war breaks laws, which is to say a publicly sanctioned lawbreaking.

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