Monday, December 28, 2020


The garden was completely overgrown. Paperwhites, having somehow escaped from the vase in the kitchen, were encouraging the more reluctant potted plants, like the domesticated herbs in the kitchen, to break the chains of domesticity and join their brethren in their true natural environment, free from the dependencies of household living, fraught, as it was, with  the chance of dehydration, or predation from the ravenous feline Minx, and occasional disruptions brought on by the children, who love flowers, and bend and twist them - often with fatal consequences -  into spring garlands, and these forthright vegetable rebels joined the tougher outdoor species - the plantains, the clovers, garlic mustards, and a host of tiny maple saplings. 

Their aim? To cover the garden, to cover the lawn, to cover the neighborhood, to cover the town, to cover the watershed, the natural domain of the vegetable kingdom!
- - - - - -
Overgrown? I thought it said Overthrown!

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